jeudi 10 mai 2012

final project-nutrition habits

The Purpose of this project is to sensitize AUI students about their eating habits.Moreover, the target audience are AUI students aged between 17 and 25 years old who consume a lot junk food. 
To do so, our clients asked for two posters in order to complete their work.

The first poster is a dessert menu. This promotes healthy dessert rather than the usual dessert that can be easily found in Sodexo restaurant or elsewhere. I have chosen to put such pictures, because of the attractive colors and because they are pleasant to see. I wanted to encourage people to think of healthy dessert and encourage them to eat and not only think about junk food. 
On the other hand, I wanted to be simple with few words but big images so that people can easily pay attention to it. The fact of having the logo of Sodexo was necessary so that individuals have the idea of where they can find these desserts. Having the price under each offer is important as well so that people can have an idea about it and be aware that they can enjoy eating a healthy dessert without paying much.

This poster concerns the drinks menu. Once again I wanted to keep the same design as the previous menu so that there is a kind of coherence and harmony between the two productions. As we can notice the pictures are colorful, big and offer many choices depending on the wants of people.
This poster is one of the clients demands. They were asking for a pictogram poster to give to student an idea about what they usually eat in Sodexo's restaurant. To do so, I have divided the poster into two main parts: the upper one is related to the daily food Sodexo's serve.I have made three categories of food and seperated them with different ugly colors in order to make the difference. The main elements are: oil, sugar and fat. The image above clearly and easily explain this concept. However, the other part was about promoting healthy food that Sodexo should serve instead of what they have now. The same concept was used but with pleasant colors and those are differentiated once again depending on the category they belong to. Fibers, proteines and vitamines are the three categories I have worked on and thought that they can be from the basic things a person has to eat. Once again I wanted to have visuals instead of words and this is because I believe in the saying :" a picture is worth a thousand words"!!

This final poster is made to encourage people to eat healthy food rather than junk food. My idea was to present the healthy food as something clean, lovely and colorful. However, the junk food is a messy thing and not enjoyable to see. The fact of having a figure that looks like a monster with ugly teeth is made on purpose and this is to confirm the quote stated in the poster. It is true that no one looks like this, but I wanted to be something that will attract people's attention --> this can be considered as a second degree meaning.
Moreover, Having I found that making a smily with the healthy food can be a good idea because for me healthy eating provide happiness and no worries about health problems that can be caused by junk food. 

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