jeudi 10 mai 2012

brochure ( doors)

The images above reflect a brochure done after a visit in Casablanca. My theme was "doors". I have chosen this theme because I think that few people pay attention to this latter and do not pay attention to the design, the colors and the material used. Moreover, the fact of having an open door in the cover page is by purpose and this is because I want to create a surprise feeling and invite people to discover what is in by turning the page and look at the rest of the brochure. On the other hand, I did not want to have a crowded brochure to avoid boredom and to let people enjoy the sight without having to read much or look for details in order to understand the brochure. Also, Having different models of doors was done by purpose and this is to show the variety Morocco has concerning its architecture.. I did not want to put much text but make the images big so that it is easy to understand! 

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