mardi 15 mai 2012


This is one of the painting I love. I like the colors used since there is a contrast between light and dark colors. Moreover, The fact of having one picture that contains two different sides can be very attractive to the eye. The way the trees are drawn is very simple but at the same time very warm. The lights used are represented as the real oneswhich reflects a real scene. The painting shows a continuity ( the picture starts large and ends up narrowed).
The fact of having a water effect and a shadow one on the floor is another attractive thing for me. All in all, I find it very simple but very nice. 

Gap Ad

The picture above concerns the logo of Gap brand. Gap decided to change its logo to the one seen in the upper right side. People did not appreciate this logo since it looks like a logo for a company and looks very professional and not fit a clothes brand . To satisfy the needs of their clients, They removed it and kept the old one which on the upper left side.
The logo is simple and known since the very first time this brand is launched. Visually speaking, It can be easily memorable since it does not include difficult things. Gap is written in white inside a blue square, and this can be considered as a directive logo with no second meaning or any difficult component that will not let people not pay attention to this brand. 

Benetton Ad

The ad above  is retrieved from the blog of United Colors of Benetton which is an Italian company founded in the 1960s.
The first thing that attracts our attention are the persons who seem to be from different areas of the world. They are all united in the same green/purple blanket. Moreover,the target audience concerning this ad can be people from different ages  from all the sides of the world since the image talks about itself.
I think that the goal of this image is to change the attitudes of people about racism and conveying a message to the audience that says “no to racism!!”, Benetton  publishes their ads throughout different media channels such as internet (websites, social media), magazines (...). 
It is obvious that this image contains a strong message to transmit to people. The message that can be built from the image is that there is definitely no difference neither between genders nor between ethnicities. 
On the other hand, We can conclude that the visually speaking, The image is simple but at the same time straight forward. From The pictures used, it is easy to get the meaning of this latter. 

jeudi 10 mai 2012

final project-nutrition habits

The Purpose of this project is to sensitize AUI students about their eating habits.Moreover, the target audience are AUI students aged between 17 and 25 years old who consume a lot junk food. 
To do so, our clients asked for two posters in order to complete their work.

The first poster is a dessert menu. This promotes healthy dessert rather than the usual dessert that can be easily found in Sodexo restaurant or elsewhere. I have chosen to put such pictures, because of the attractive colors and because they are pleasant to see. I wanted to encourage people to think of healthy dessert and encourage them to eat and not only think about junk food. 
On the other hand, I wanted to be simple with few words but big images so that people can easily pay attention to it. The fact of having the logo of Sodexo was necessary so that individuals have the idea of where they can find these desserts. Having the price under each offer is important as well so that people can have an idea about it and be aware that they can enjoy eating a healthy dessert without paying much.

This poster concerns the drinks menu. Once again I wanted to keep the same design as the previous menu so that there is a kind of coherence and harmony between the two productions. As we can notice the pictures are colorful, big and offer many choices depending on the wants of people.
This poster is one of the clients demands. They were asking for a pictogram poster to give to student an idea about what they usually eat in Sodexo's restaurant. To do so, I have divided the poster into two main parts: the upper one is related to the daily food Sodexo's serve.I have made three categories of food and seperated them with different ugly colors in order to make the difference. The main elements are: oil, sugar and fat. The image above clearly and easily explain this concept. However, the other part was about promoting healthy food that Sodexo should serve instead of what they have now. The same concept was used but with pleasant colors and those are differentiated once again depending on the category they belong to. Fibers, proteines and vitamines are the three categories I have worked on and thought that they can be from the basic things a person has to eat. Once again I wanted to have visuals instead of words and this is because I believe in the saying :" a picture is worth a thousand words"!!

This final poster is made to encourage people to eat healthy food rather than junk food. My idea was to present the healthy food as something clean, lovely and colorful. However, the junk food is a messy thing and not enjoyable to see. The fact of having a figure that looks like a monster with ugly teeth is made on purpose and this is to confirm the quote stated in the poster. It is true that no one looks like this, but I wanted to be something that will attract people's attention --> this can be considered as a second degree meaning.
Moreover, Having I found that making a smily with the healthy food can be a good idea because for me healthy eating provide happiness and no worries about health problems that can be caused by junk food. 

brochure ( doors)

The images above reflect a brochure done after a visit in Casablanca. My theme was "doors". I have chosen this theme because I think that few people pay attention to this latter and do not pay attention to the design, the colors and the material used. Moreover, the fact of having an open door in the cover page is by purpose and this is because I want to create a surprise feeling and invite people to discover what is in by turning the page and look at the rest of the brochure. On the other hand, I did not want to have a crowded brochure to avoid boredom and to let people enjoy the sight without having to read much or look for details in order to understand the brochure. Also, Having different models of doors was done by purpose and this is to show the variety Morocco has concerning its architecture.. I did not want to put much text but make the images big so that it is easy to understand! 

mardi 8 mai 2012

business cards assignment

the pictures above reflect business cards. Since my dream is to have a pedagocical farm, I have chosen this design in order to reflect my idea. Moreover, We were supposed to produce two different kinds of business cards. The goal was to have something original but at the same time simple. The fact of not having an ordinary "squared" business card was to attract people's attention. Moreover, since both business cards concern the same subject, I have chosen to stay within the same idea and concept. I have chosen something related to farms but at the same time something that is pleasant to see. the choice of colors was based on everything that reminds us of the kindergarden and children. In the past, I used to refer those kind of colors to children, school, art, joy and fun.

Arab spring Conference poster

The poster above was created in order to represent the arab spring conference that was held at Al Akhawayn University-Ifrane. The purpose of this poster is to inform people about the subject matter and to locate this latter. Moreover, I have chosen this specific design to deliver a specific message. The image can show that people are unified in order to get the victory they were dreaming about since many years ago. the flags chosen concern the countries which got their freedom. On the other hand, the green color chosen for the titlle is to reflect the " spring" since it is the most related color to this season! the fact of including the Author, the date and the location is very important since it is the basic thing concerning a conference poster.
My aim was to make it simple and clear. I wanted to have a straight forward message!