mardi 6 mars 2012

project 1: Moroccan Women

The picture above was produced in order to represent Moroccan Women depending on the regions all over Morocco. The message I want to deliver is: In spite of being different , they are one!
I have chosen the brides with different clothing and this to represent each region's traditions.Most of the time, the bride wears a dress that represent her origin. Concerning Moroccan people, they can easily recognize the dress at the first sight, but foreign people can look at it as a diveristy of dresses that Morocco has concerning weddings.
Moreover, I have chosen to put the "zelij" -typical Moroccann mosaic- as a background in order to give a moroccan touch beside the dresses. I have played with the opasity of this latter so that it is not that clear and see only shades of it. Also, I have created a layer in order to produce the red color and this is to represent somehow Morocco ( since the Moroccan flag contains red). In addition, I have chosen to make a circular movement, and make a clear focal point that can be seen as a sopping power as well. So the brides are displayed from the bigger one to the smallest: Middle --> Left-->right. 

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