mardi 6 mars 2012

piano and violin building

This amazing place is in Huainan, China. The impressive Piano and Violin looking building is considered by the locals at least to be the most romantic building in China such that a lot of brides and grooms love to take pictures there.
This strange Piano and Violin shaped building built in 2007 serves as showroom for exhibiting the plans for newly created district of Shannan in Huainan City, China.
The transparent Violin houses the escalators and the staircase for the main piano building which displays various plans and development prospects for newly developed area. Moreover, it was reportedly designed by Hefei University of Technology and has been built to a scale of 50:1.
When I first saw this picture, I couldn’t understand it. But once I saw the Violin, I understood that it was a building. I was surprised by the idea, and found it wonderful and original. It is creative and artistic. It is very rare to find something that looks like this. We can consider it as a modern piece of art, that its main influence is the musical instruments. China is known for new technologies and new innovations, this is why I was astonished when I knew that this building was situated there. I am sure that many people are curious to go and visit it and see how it does looks like internally, and I can join their curiosity since this is something that attracted me a lot.

project 1: Moroccan Women

The picture above was produced in order to represent Moroccan Women depending on the regions all over Morocco. The message I want to deliver is: In spite of being different , they are one!
I have chosen the brides with different clothing and this to represent each region's traditions.Most of the time, the bride wears a dress that represent her origin. Concerning Moroccan people, they can easily recognize the dress at the first sight, but foreign people can look at it as a diveristy of dresses that Morocco has concerning weddings.
Moreover, I have chosen to put the "zelij" -typical Moroccann mosaic- as a background in order to give a moroccan touch beside the dresses. I have played with the opasity of this latter so that it is not that clear and see only shades of it. Also, I have created a layer in order to produce the red color and this is to represent somehow Morocco ( since the Moroccan flag contains red). In addition, I have chosen to make a circular movement, and make a clear focal point that can be seen as a sopping power as well. So the brides are displayed from the bigger one to the smallest: Middle --> Left-->right.