mercredi 25 janvier 2012

Assignment 1

Assignement 1: contemporary design:
            Frida kahlo is a Mexican painter. Most of her paintings were influenced by herself and the majority of the latter are auto portraits that represent her when she had to stay in her bad for nine months after an accident she had. Her paintings represent her pain and suffering. Among those drawings here is one that represents her during her recovery:
Assignment 2 : ads analysis
-          Ad 1 : the first ad is about got milk campaign who use celebrity endorsment as a strategy to attract people’s attention and to convince people to drink milk. In the following picture we can see the actrice Rebecca romijn with her two babies. Moreover and based on the citation written in the ad, milk is essential for the whole family, and since the mother drinks milk, she automatically inflences her children so that they can get the habit of doing the same thing. Moreover, her statement about building a strong family has two meanings in my opinion:
ü  Physically: good health, strong bones (…)
ü  Emotionally: learn good eating habits and being positively influenced by each family member.
àTarget audience: families and especially the mothers because they are the ones who educate their children and influence them to follow the right path.

-          Ad 2 : this ad displays a shocking image and the use of fear intends to show that even with little speed, major damages can occur which can lead to death especially when the drivers don’t put their seat belts on. To remedy to this, the French government launched a campaign to sensitize people that using seat belts is necessary because starting 20km/h accidents can cause death.
àTarget audience: the ad targets French drivers, car owners, and all the passengers of the car because it simply states that seat belts are essential to avoid injuries.

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